Results for 'Shang-Hai Chung Hsi Che Hsüeh Yü. Wen Hua Pi Chiao Yen Chiu Hui'

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  1. Kʻung Meng Hsün chiao yü che hsüeh ssu hsiang pi chiao fen hsi yen chiu.Yung-hsi Lin - 1976 - Wen Ching Shu Chü.
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  2. Fo chiao che li yü Chung hsi wen hua.Shih-Lung Chu - 1976 - Shih Tzu Hou Tsa Chih She.
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  3.  76
    To evaluate the effectiveness of health care ethics consultation based on the goals of health care ethics consultation: a prospective cohort study with randomization.Yen-Yuan Chen, Tzong-Shinn Chu, Yu-Hui Kao, Pi-Ru Tsai, Tien-Shang Huang & Wen-Je Ko - 2014 - BMC Medical Ethics 15 (1):1.
    The growing prevalence of health care ethics consultation (HCEC) services in the U.S. has been accompanied by an increase in calls for accountability and quality assurance, and for the debates surrounding why and how HCEC is evaluated. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of HCEC as indicated by several novel outcome measurements in East Asian medical encounters.
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    Mortality of Parkinson's disease by Hoehn–Yahr stage from community‐based and clinic series [Keelung Community‐based Integrated Screening (KCIS) no. 17)].Horng-Huei Liou, Chia-Yun Wu, Yueh-Hsia Chiu, Amy Ming-Fang Yen, Rong-Chi Chen, Ta-Fu Chen, Chih-Chuan Chen, Yuarn-Chung Hwang, Ying-Rong Wen & Tony Hsiu-Hsi Chen - 2009 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 15 (4):587-591.
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    Natural history and effectiveness of early detection of Parkinson’s disease: results from two community-based programmes in Taiwan.Horng-Huei Liou, Chia-Yun Wu, Yueh-Hsia Chiu, Amy Ming-Fang Yen, Rong-Chi Chen, Ta-Fu Chen, Chih-Chuan Chen, Yuarn-Chung Hwang, Ying-Rong Wen & Tony Hsiu-Hsi Chen - 2008 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 14 (2):198-202.
  6. Pi chiao che hsüeh yü wen hua.Sen Wu - 1978 - Tung Ta T U Shu Kung Ssu Tsung Ching Hsiao San Min Shu Chü.
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  7. Hsi yang chê hsüeh yen chiu.Hai-chi Fei - 1966
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  8. Chung Hsi Che Hsüeh Lun Wen Chi.Shu-Hsien Liu - 1987 - T Ai-Wan Hsüeh Sheng Shu Chü.
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  9. Tang Tai Ju Hsüeh Lun Chi T Iao Chan Yü Hui Ying.Shu-Hsien Liu & Chung Yang Yen Chiu Yüan - 1995
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  10. Ch'eng-kuan on the Hua-yen Trinity.Robert Gimello - 1996 - Chung-Hwa Buddhist Journal 9:341-.
    One of the interpretive devices that Ch'eng-kuan (澄 觀) is famous for having employed to distill the essence of the vast Mahāvaipulya Buddhāvataṃsaka Sūtra (Tafang-kuang fo-hua-yen ching 《大方廣佛華嚴經》 was a series of variations on the contemplative theme (kuan-men 觀門) of the complete interfusion (yüan-jung 圓融) of the scripture's three chief protagonists (san-sheng 三聖) ── the Buddha Vairocana (Pi-lu-che-na 毘盧遮那) and the bodhisattvas Mañjuśrī (Wen-shu-shih-li 文殊師利) and Samantabhadra (P'u-hsien 普賢). By aligning these three powerful sacred persons with a number of philosophical (...)
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  11.  69
    The over-optimistic portrayal of life-supporting treatments in newspapers and on the Internet: a cross-sectional study using extra-corporeal membrane oxygenation as an example.Yen-Yuan Chen, Likwang Chen, Yu-Hui Kao, Tzong-Shinn Chu, Tien-Shang Huang & Wen-Je Ko - 2014 - BMC Medical Ethics 15 (1):59.
    Extra-corporeal membrane oxygenation has been introduced to clinical practice for several decades. It is unclear how internet and newspapers portray the use of extra-corporeal membrane oxygenation. This study were: (1) to quantify the coverage of extra-corporeal membrane oxygenation use in newspapers and on the Internet; (2) to describe the characteristics of extra-corporeal membrane oxygenation users presented in newspaper articles and the Internet web pages in comparison with those shown in extra-corporeal membrane oxygenation studies in Taiwan; and (3) to examine the (...)
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  12. Tsao chʻi ho hou chʻi Wei-ken-shih-tʻan ti pi chiao yen chiu.Chi-chün Hu - 1974
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  13. Han Fei yü Ma-chi-wei-li pi chiao yen chiu.Tsan-yüan Wang - 1972
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  14.  16
    Minguo xue zhe lun Feng Youlan =.Renyu Wang (ed.) - 2019 - Beijing: Ren min chu ban she.
    Xue xi he yan jiu Zhongguo zhe xue, yi ban lai shuo, Feng xian sheng shi ke chao er bu ke yue de. Yi si shi, hou ren wan quan ke neng er qie ye ying dang sheng guo Feng xian sheng, dan shi que bu neng rao guo Feng xian sheng. Rao guo Feng xian sheng, bu dan bi ran yao duo fei li qi, er qie rong yi zou wan lu er nan yu shen ru tang ao. Feng (...)
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    Fo xue zhi zhe si jing guan.Li Ye - 2018 - Shanghai: Shanghai san lian shu dian.
    Ben shu zhi zai yong zhe xue yan jiu de fang shi zheng ti lun shu fo xue ti xi. wei le shi pu tong da zhong neng chu kui wan zheng de fo jiao xi tong, zuo zhe fen bie cong fo jiao de ge di yu pai bie,zhe xue si xiang guan dian,si miao jian zhu yi ji fo jing shu ji lun zhu deng fang mian jin xing liao xiang jin de xu shu ji tao lun. shu (...)
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  16. Ching hsi che hsüeh ssu hsiang chung ti tʻien tao yü shang ti.Tu Li - 1978 - Lien Ching Ch U Pan Shih Yeh Kung Ssu.
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  17. Pai T o K Un Ching Hsin Ju HsüehChung-Kuo Cheng Chih Wen Hua Ti Yen Chin.Thomas A. Metzger, Tung-lan Huang, Hua Kao, Tzu-K. O. Mo & Shih-an Yen - 1995
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  18. Tsʻung Chung-kuo wen hua ti chi pen ching shen tʻan hsiao ti lun li chia chih.Hsi-yüan Wang - 1977
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  19. Chung-kuo che hsüeh yü Chung-kuo wen hua.Zhongying Cheng - 1974
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  20. Li yü Chung-hua wen hua chih kuan hsi.Hsü-Chieh Kao - 1975 - Tʻai-pei : To ta yin shua shih yeh ku fen yu hsien kung ssu chʻu pan pu fa hsing,:
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  21. Chung-kuo chin tai ssu hsiang yen chiu.Hsin-yüan Wen - 1973
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  22. Chung-kuo li shih wen hua chung ti wang pa ssu hsiang yen pien.Li-Hsing Wu - 1979 - Taipei,: Taiwan :.
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  23. Mao Tse-Tung Che Hsüeh Ssu Hsiang Yen Chiu Chi Nien Mao Tse-Tung T Ung Chih Chiu Shih Chou Nien Tan Ch En.Huan-Chang Yang, Hsi-yü Chin, Tai Mei & Wei Wang - 1983 - Pei-Ching Ch U Pan She Hsin Hua Shu Tien Pei-Ching Fa Hsing so Fa Hsing.
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  24.  43
    Ch'ang-sha Ma-wang-tui i-hao Han-mu [Han Tomb No. 1 at Mawangtui, Changsha].David D. Buck, Hu-Nan Sheng Po-Wu Kuan, Chung-kuo K'O.-Hsüeh Yüan K'ao-Ku Yen-Chiu-So & Chung-kuo K'O.-Hsueh Yuan K'ao-Ku Yen-Chiu-So - 1977 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 97 (2):221.
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  25. Chao yue sheng si: Zhongguo chuan tong wen hua zhong de sheng si zhi hui = Chaoyue shengsi.Zhan'guo Chen - 2004 - Kaifeng Shi: Henan da xue chu ban she. Edited by Yu Qiang.
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  26. Pʻei-ken che hsüeh ssu hsiang yü chiao yü kuan tien chih yen chiu.Chien-hsün Chʻen - 1973
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  27. "Lu-te-wei-hsi, Fei-erh-pa-ha ho Te-kuo ku tien che hsüeh ti chung chieh" chieh shuo.Yen-pʻing Yüeh - 1978 - Edited by Karl Marx.
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  28. Kʻung-tzŭ ti chiao yü ssŭ hsiang.Hsi-chêng Sung - 1972
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    Wang Yangming yu Yangming wen hua.Xiaoxin Wang & Pinglue Zhao (eds.) - 2011 - Beijing Shi: Zhonghua shu ju.
    Ben shu gong you ba jiang zu cheng, fen bie shi sheng ren bi ke xue er zhi, Wang Yangming de xin xue ti xi, shi gong yu bing xue, wen xue si xiang yu shi wen chuang zuo, jiao yu si xiang yu shi jian, Yangming hou xue, Yangming xue zai jin xian dai de ying xiang, Yangming wen hua yu Guizhou lü you. Mei ge lun ti lun shu ji zhong, shen du shi zhong, xu shu xing yu (...)
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  30.  18
    Song Ming shi qi Jiangxi ru xue yan jiu.Xiaojiang Zheng - 2014 - Beijing: Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she. Edited by Zhucai Yang.
    Ben shu wei "Song Ming shi qi Chang Jiang zhong you de ru xue yan jiu" cong shu zhi yi: ben cong shu shi ren wen she hui ke xue chong dian yan jiu ji di-Wuhan da xue Zhongguo chuan tong wen hua yan jiu zhong xin tou biao, jing jiao yu bu zu zhi zhuan jia ping shen tong guo, zheng shi pi zhun de jiao yu bu ren wen she hui ke xue 2001 nian du zhong da yan (...)
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  31. Development and pilot testing of an informed consent video for patients with limb trauma prior to debridement surgery using a modified Delphi technique.Yen-Ko Lin, Chao-Wen Chen, Wei-Che Lee, Tsung-Ying Lin, Liang-Chi Kuo, Chia-Ju Lin, Leiyu Shi, Yin-Chun Tien & Yuan-Chia Cheng - 2017 - BMC Medical Ethics 18 (1):1-12.
    Background Ensuring adequate informed consent for surgery in a trauma setting is challenging. We developed and pilot tested an educational video containing information regarding the informed consent process for surgery in trauma patients and a knowledge measure instrument and evaluated whether the audiovisual presentation improved the patients’ knowledge regarding their procedure and aftercare and their satisfaction with the informed consent process. Methods A modified Delphi technique in which a panel of experts participated in successive rounds of shared scoring of items (...)
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  32.  24
    Comparative genetic architectures of schizophrenia in East Asian and European populations.Max Lam, Chia-Yen Chen, Zhiqiang Li, Alicia R. Martin, Julien Bryois, Xixian Ma, Helena Gaspar, Masashi Ikeda, Beben Benyamin, Brielin C. Brown, Ruize Liu, Wei Zhou, Lili Guan, Yoichiro Kamatani, Sung-Wan Kim, Michiaki Kubo, Agung Kusumawardhani, Chih-Min Liu, Hong Ma, Sathish Periyasamy, Atsushi Takahashi, Zhida Xu, Hao Yu, Feng Zhu, Wei J. Chen, Stephen Faraone, Stephen J. Glatt, Lin He, Steven E. Hyman, Hai-Gwo Hwu, Steven A. McCarroll, Benjamin M. Neale, Pamela Sklar, Dieter B. Wildenauer, Xin Yu, Dai Zhang, Bryan J. Mowry, Jimmy Lee, Peter Holmans, Shuhua Xu, Patrick F. Sullivan, Stephan Ripke, Michael C. O’Donovan, Mark J. Daly, Shengying Qin, Pak Sham, Nakao Iwata, Kyung S. Hong, Sibylle G. Schwab, Weihua Yue, Ming Tsuang, Jianjun Liu, Xiancang Ma, René S. Kahn, Yongyong Shi & Hailiang Huang - 2019 - Nature Genetics 51 (12):1670-1678.
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  33.  60
    Emergency Evacuation of Hazardous Chemical Accidents Based on Diffusion Simulation.Jiang-Hua Zhang, Hai-Yue Liu, Rui Zhu & Yang Liu - 2017 - Complexity:1-16.
    The recent rapid development of information technology, such as sensing technology, communications technology, and database, allows us to use simulation experiments for analyzing serious accidents caused by hazardous chemicals. Due to the toxicity and diffusion of hazardous chemicals, these accidents often lead to not only severe consequences and economic losses, but also traffic jams at the same time. Emergency evacuation after hazardous chemical accidents is an effective means to reduce the loss of life and property and to smoothly resume the (...)
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  34.  81
    Significant social events and increasing use of life-sustaining treatment: trend analysis using extracorporeal membrane oxygenation as an example.Yen-Yuan Chen, Likwang Chen, Tien-Shang Huang, Wen-Je Ko, Tzong-Shinn Chu, Yen-Hsuan Ni & Shan-Chwen Chang - 2014 - BMC Medical Ethics 15 (1):21.
    Most studies have examined the outcomes of patients supported by extracorporeal membrane oxygenation as a life-sustaining treatment. It is unclear whether significant social events are associated with the use of life-sustaining treatment. This study aimed to compare the trend of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation use in Taiwan with that in the world, and to examine the influence of significant social events on the trend of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation use in Taiwan.
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  35.  65
    Educational video-assisted versus conventional informed consent for trauma-related debridement surgery: a parallel group randomized controlled trial.Yen-Ko Lin, Chao-Wen Chen, Wei-Che Lee, Yuan-Chia Cheng, Tsung-Ying Lin, Chia-Ju Lin, Leiyu Shi, Yin-Chun Tien & Liang-Chi Kuo - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):23.
    We investigated whether, in the emergency department, educational video-assisted informed consent is superior to the conventional consent process, to inform trauma patients undergoing surgery about the procedure, benefits, risks, alternatives, and postoperative care. We conducted a prospective randomized controlled trial, with superiority study design. All trauma patients scheduled to receive trauma-related debridement surgery in the ED of Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital were included. Patients were assigned to one of two education protocols. Participants in the intervention group watched an educational video (...)
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  36.  13
    Evaluation of Taiwan's IC industry production and market efficiencies under the consideration of corporate social responsibility.Tai-Yu Lin, Hsiao-Wen Chiang, Yung-Ho Chiu, Tzu-Han Chang & Chung-Tzer Liu - forthcoming - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility.
    Taiwan has a complete semiconductor industry chain and is important in global semiconductor manufacturing. In addition to considering operational conditions, companies have also attached importance to corporate social responsibility (CSR) in recent years. This research thus takes 60 integrated circuit (IC) companies in Taiwan as a research sample and adopts the Meta Two-stage dynamic RDM DDF (range directional model directional distance function) under an exogenous CSR model to explore their market stage efficiency and production stage efficiency. This study aimed to (...)
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  37.  57
    Morphological and Functional Differences between Athletes and Novices in Cortical Neuronal Networks.Xiao-Ying Tan, Yan-Ling Pi, Jue Wang, Xue-Pei Li, Lan-Lan Zhang, Wen Dai, Hua Zhu, Zhen Ni, Jian Zhang & Yin Wu - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  38. Evaluating the immediate and delayed effects of psychological need thwarting of online teaching on Chinese primary and middle school teachers’ psychological well-being.I.-Hua Chen, Xiu-mei Chen, Xiao-Ling Liao, Ke-Yun Zhao, Zhi-Hui Wei, Chung-Ying Lin & Jeffrey Hugh Gamble - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Recent studies on the effects of mandatory online teaching, resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, have widely reported low levels of satisfaction, unwillingness to continue online teaching, and negative impacts on the psychological well-being of teachers. Emerging research has highlighted the potential role of psychological need thwarting, in terms of autonomy, competence, and relatedness thwarting, resulting from online teaching. The aim of this study was to evaluate the immediate and delayed effects of PNT of online teaching on teachers’ well-being, intention to (...)
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  39. Modified Logistic Regression Approaches to Eliminating the Impact of Response Styles on DIF Detection in Likert-Type Scales.Hui-Fang Chen, Kuan-Yu Jin & Wen-Chung Wang - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  40.  30
    Association of Chinese herbal medicine use with the depression risk among the long-term breast cancer survivors: A longitudinal follow-up study.Shu-Yi Yang, Hanoch Livneh, Jing-Siang Jhang, Shu-Wen Yen, Hua-Lung Huang, Michael W. Y. Chan, Ming-Chi Lu, Chia-Chou Yeh, Chang-Kuo Wei & Tzung-Yi Tsai - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundBreast cancer patients are at elevated risk of depression during treatment, thus provoking the chance of poor clinical outcomes. This retrospective cohort study aimed to investigate whether integrating Chinese herbal medicines citation into conventional cancer therapy could decrease the risk of depression in the long-term breast cancer survivors.MethodsA cohort of patients aged 20–70 years and with newly diagnosed breast cancer during 2000–2008 was identified from a nationwide claims database. In this study, we focused solely on survivors of breast cancer at (...)
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  41. Chung-kuo che hsüeh wen tʻi.Le-che An - 1973 - 62 i.: E..
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  42. Chung-kuo chê hsüeh shih hua.Chʻi-chün Chang - 1965 - Edited by I. Wu.
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  43. Chung-kuo chê hsüeh shih chiao hsüeh tzŭ liao.Tai-Nien Chang (ed.) - 1964
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  44.  71
    Estimation and prediction system for multi‐state disease process: application to analysis of organized screening regime.Chi-Ming Chang, Wen-Chou Lin, Hsu-Sung Kuo, Ming-Fang Yen & Tony Hsiu-Hsi Chen - 2007 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 13 (6):867-881.
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    Cost‐effectiveness analysis for Pap smear screening and human papillomavirus DNA testing and vaccination.Meng-Kan Chen, Hui-Fang Hung, Stephen Duffy, Amy Ming-Fang Yen & Hsiu-Hsi Chen - 2011 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 17 (6):1050-1058.
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    Corrigendum: Modified Logistic Regression Approaches to Eliminating the Impact of Response Styles on Differential Item Functioning Detection in Likert-Type Scale.Hui-Fang Chen, Kuan-Yu Jin & Wen-Chung Wang - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Predictive survival model with time‐dependent prognostic factors: development of computer‐aided SAS Macro program.Li-Sheng Chen, Ming-Fang Yen, Hui-Min Wu, Chao-Sheng Liao, Der-Ming Liou, Hsu-Sung Kuo & Tony Hsiu-Hsi Chen - 2005 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 11 (2):181-193.
  48. Hsien Chʻin ju chia cheng chih ssu hsiang yen chiu.Chʻung-chʻin Chung - 1977 - Hua Kang Ch U Pan Yu Hsien Kung Ssu.
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  49.  11
    Li yue wen hua yu xiang zheng: dui liang Zhou li yue wen hua de xiang zheng xing yi shu jing shen zhi kao cha.Chunyuan Chu - 2017 - Hefei Shi: Anhui da xue chu ban she.
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    Wang pi on the mind.Chung-Yue Chang - 1982 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 9 (1):77-106.
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